
Hygge: Peace and Bliss

Born in Denmark, the Hygge philosophy is now all over the world! In this article, you can find the basic information about the Hygge philosophy to answer all your questions, hopefully adding more peace and happiness to your life!

In today’s world, everything is changing and developing rapidly. In all this dynamism, the search for inner peace and happiness of individuals is the only thing that does not change!  This quest leads to the learning of different cultures and philosophies of life and their spread all over the world. “Hygge”, a philosophy that has been practiced by the public in Denmark for a long time, has an inspiring approach for those who want to discover the secret of a happy life. Now, let’s review the basic teachings of this philosophy.

What is the Hygge Philosophy?

Hygge, also known as the philosophy of the Scandinavian countries, which are among the happiest countries in the world, aims to enjoy the small and simple pleasures of life, enjoy the moment, and achieve inner happiness by focusing only on positive emotions. The primary purpose of the Hygge philosophy is; to enable individuals to discover true peace and happiness by focusing on inner balance, rather than being under stress by focusing only on external conditions.

How to Organize Your Home According to the Hygge Philosophy?

When it comes to peace, the first thing that comes to mind for most of us is our home. So, are our homes really places designed for us to find inner peace? By applying the Hygge philosophy in your home arrangement, you can create a peaceful atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones. Remember that the inner peace you will find in your home will be the first step on the way to your happiness.

1. Personal Touches

It is very important to include elements that reflect your own style in the decoration of your home.  What is your favorite color? What patterns do you prefer? Do you use your favorite colors and patterns in the decoration of your home? What’s more, do you personalize your home using a variety of accessories? By using your favorite colors, patterns, and accessories in your home, you can achieve inner peace and evoke positive emotions.

2. Soft Fabrics

Soft upholstery fabrics and blankets are indispensable for homes decorated according to the Hygee philosophy, as they provide a feeling of physical comfort. You can choose furniture with soft fabrics that increase the comfort and warmth in your home and increase your peace of mind at home.

3. Simplicity and Convenience

Hygge emphasizes the importance of simplicity and convenience. Keeping your rooms and cabinets free of unnecessary items and keeping your space simple, comfortable and clean helps you to be mentally peaceful. 

4. Personal Memories

Decorating your home with unforgettable memories with your loved ones will not only beautify your home, but also personalize it. What’s more, it strengthens your emotional bonds with loved ones. According to the Hygge philosophy, making your memories visible with your loved ones helps to keep positive emotions alive in your memory.  Personal videos or framed photos that you will make for your loved ones on special celebration days will both create unforgettable memories and make your loved ones happy. 

5. Natural Fragrances

The influence of smell on human psychology is many. It is up to you to change the atmosphere of your home where you spend time and create a relaxing effect!  You can use fragrant candles, oils or incense of your choice for home décor.  In particular, the use of natural scents such as lavender, vanilla and sandalwood indoors increases inner peace.

6. Natural Light

Benefiting from sunlight is very important for our hormone balance and psychological health. Given the time we spend in our homes, we can realize the importance of natural light in our homes as well. If possible, try to organize your home in a way that best brings natural light to the rooms in your home. Keep your interior bright by letting in daylight, especially by keeping the curtains you use light, so that you can be filled with positive energy in your home!

7. Peaceful Corners for You

You can increase the peace and happiness you feel by creating special small corners in your home. Creating peaceful spaces such as a reading corner, flower corner or hobby corner will bring calmness and spaciousness not only to your home but also to you.

8. Quality Time with Loved Ones

Happiness multiplies when it is shared! Hygge is a philosophy of life that emphasizes the importance of quality time spent with your loved ones.  Spending time together with family and friends by cooking, playing board games, dancing or having quality conversations will strengthen the emotional bonds between you and make you a more peaceful and happy individual.

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